Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Spiritual Journey

By Lawrence App, also from The Dream of Separation Website:

For those of you who don’t know and may be curious about what I’m about and how I got to this point.

I suppose I was a spiritual seeker from early in my life, marveling at the wonders of nature and mystery of the Church. I became indoctrinated by my family’s church and spent a good part of my youth as an altar boy, singing in the choir, and in the youth group.

I don’t really know what my beliefs were. I wanted to believe, but I was shaken and disillusioned by a series of indiscretions by several clergy close to me.

Perhaps it was all just an excuse for doing as I wished. I went on the road with a rock band at age 18 lived the prodigal life for many years. During this period I lived in chaos passing for excitement. I consciously cultivated a nihilistic philosophy and was heavily influenced by books like “The Oblivion Seekers” and C Bukowski.

[more to come]

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